Seize Quartiers

Seize Quartiers refers to a four generation pedigree and literally means a person's "sixteen quarters" i.e. their 16 great-great grandparents. It is borrowed from the heraldic tradition used to prove one's nobility.
An ideal way to start your family tree as it gives a broad picture of your whole family's recent generations.
This comprehensive package aims to find full information on the four generations up to your 16 great-great grandparents (with some information on your 3rd great-grandparents). The information gathered can include addresses, travel, reports from newspapers, employment/profession, military history, names and dates relating to siblings, other marriages, and more.
The completed work is presented to you in the form of a hard-back book chronicling the story of your ancestors, usually back to the early 1800s.
As standard, this package includes:
35 to 40 hours research time
'Your Family History' hard-back book
Pedigree chart (your direct ancestors to great-great grandparents)
A selection of up to 30 official birth, marriage and death certificates
Weekly progress updates (by email)
Research directed with your goals in mind
Your photographs included in the book (should you wish)
The cost of this package is £1070and can be paid in two parts.
An initial deposit of £535 followed by the final payment of
£535, which will be invoiced when your book is ready for delivery.
If you are not ready for this depth of research, you may choose one of the other packages on offer.
Please have a look at these alternatives - One Surname and Two Surname Packages.